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Heavy Duty Flux Remover - Suprclean - 20 litre

Heavy Duty Flux Remover - Suprclean - 20 litre




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Podrobnosti o produktu


Popis produktu:

Heavy Duty Flux Remover - SuprClean™
Pail 22,7 kg / 20 litre

• Best option for rosin fluxes
• Removes acrylic conformal coatings
• Instant drying, low odor
• Excellent degreaser
• No residue/no rinsing
• Nonflammable, ESD-safe
• Test on plastics
• TriggerGrip™ cleaning system compatible

Product Information
The Heavy Duty Flux Remover - SuprClean™ is the industry’s most versatile precision cleaner. The powerful flux remover dries instantly with no residue making it ideal for heavy duty circuit cleaning, especially in tight-fitting areas.
Heavy Duty Flux Remover - SuprClean is the preferred choice for tough SMT defluxing, thru-hole work, BGA boards, hybrids and connectors. It serves as an effective degreaser, removes tough lead-free solders and pastes, as well as
most acrylic and conformal coatings.

Safe on most components, epoxies, nylon, polyethylene, polypropolene and PVC. Test on plastics before use.

Technical Details and Cleaning Data

Boiling Point:                              41?C
Chemical Family :                      HFC Blend
Cleaning Strength (KB value):   110
Evaporation Rate:                      Fast
Percent Volatile:                        100%
Odor:                                         Slight, Ether
Specific Gravity:                        1.26




Produkt manažer:

Kontakt: +420 724 486 323, info@realtimetec.cz


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Realtime Technologies s.r.o., Veská 75, Sezemice, 533 04 Pardubice, Tel.: +420 464 600 800, info@realtimetec.cz

Realtime Technologies SK s.r.o., Ambrova 8, 831 01 Bratislava, Tel.: +421 2 2120 1800, info@realtimetec.sk

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