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General Purpose Circuit Chiller (Low GWP) - 300g

General Purpose Circuit Chiller (Low GWP) - 300g




Part No.MCC-FRZ107
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Podrobnosti o produktu


Popis produktu:

General Purpose Circuit Chiller (Low GWP)
Aerosol Can - 300g

- Totally New Chemistry for Circuit Cleaning and PCB Troubleshooting
- F-Gas Rule Compliant
- REACH, ELINCS Pre-Registered
- Nonflammable for Safety
- Available Only from MicroCare

These two products are the latest innovation in freeze sprays and precision dusters. They are the first electronics cleaners in the world to feature tetrafluoropropene, an innovative new propellant with a very low global warming potential. Available first from MicroCare and only in Europe, these products comply with the EU’s new regulations to minimize global warming caused by industrial gasses (the “F-Gas rules”).
MicroCare’s products are excellent choices for trouble-shooting, cleaning and repairing electronics. They can be used on electronics, connectors, medical devices, keyboards, keypads, mechanical parts and hard-to-clean surfaces.
The propellant is double-filtered for maximum purity. The products are noncorrosive, residue-free and, unlike less expensive products, are not flammable which enhances safety.

Boiling Point: -19?C
Chemical Family: Tetrafluoropropene HFO
F-Gas Compliant: Yes
Flammable: No
Flashpoint (TCC): None
Global Warming Rating (100 yr): 6
NFPA Ratings: Health: 1; Fire: 0; Reactivity: 1
Non-Exempt Organic Content (g/L): Zero
Ozone Impact: Zero
REACH & ELINCS Pre-Registered: Yes
RoHS and WEEE Compliant: Yes
Toxicity Rating (ppm, 8-hr. TWA): 1000




Produkt manažer:

Kontakt: +420 724 486 323, info@realtimetec.cz


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Realtime Technologies s.r.o., Veská 75, Sezemice, 533 04 Pardubice, Tel.: +420 464 600 800, info@realtimetec.cz

Realtime Technologies SK s.r.o., Ambrova 8, 831 01 Bratislava, Tel.: +421 2 2120 1800, info@realtimetec.sk

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